In a distant galaxy, an advanced civilization subjugates galaxies and planets. They anihilate any resistance, enslave the inhabitants and use them to gatter any valuable resource the planet has, before killing them all and exploding the planet. After dominating the Andromeda galaxy, they came to the Milky Way, aiming for the Earth, but a hero rises with the mission to fight them. You are this hero! Explore planets, fight enemies, and free oppressed races.
Marvel Superheroes Memory
Happy Winter Jigsaw Game
Train subway surfers
Color Sort Puzzle
Play Kim kardashian Sweet Matching Game
Giveaway Checkers
Fridge Master 3D
Cute Animals Coloring Adorable Fun for Kids
Crazy Car Driving 3D Simulator
Crazy Plane
Mario Madness
Remove The Puzzle
Christmas Rush : Red and Friend Balls
Tower Escape
South Park
Christmas Gifts Sorting
Adventure Time Differences
Spa Salon Makeup Artist
Numbers Snake
Kick the soccer ball (kick ups)
Ben 10 Dress Up
City Car Driving Free-RCC
Some little enemies
Caveman Escape 2
Miraculous Ladybug Match3 Puzzle
High School Crush Date
Hula Hoops Rush Online
FlappyCat Crazy Steampunk
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